Plantation Shutters History
We still get asked ‘do you do those modern shutter blinds?’ Well actually, window shutters have been around for centuries.
According to historians shutters were invented in circa 800bc by the Greeks and were initially made from Marble or similar types of stone with solid louvres. They were heavy, yes but great for security although they were primarily used for privacy, light control and ventilation control. Not unlike our own reasons for Plantation shutters today.
Well marble was great for those that could afford it but for everyone else window coverings were mostly cloth. So a more affordable version of shutters started to be introduced. These were made from timber. Not only were they cheaper they were more practical in many ways and wooden shutters grew in popularity.
Shutters popularity spread throughout Europe some internal and some external. In the 1700s the rich and well to do were driving the shutter market. Historians say there was a rumour that that the slanted louvered shutters were designed by French king Louis XIV who used them to peep out and spy on the bathing ladies of the court. Alas it seems the Greeks were there first.
Shutters remained popular ever since. Some say the Spanish who introduced shutters to the Americans and some say it was the European settlers. Either way the growth of shutters in the American market has been astonishing.